Maximizing IPL’s Benefits: Strategies to Extend Relief and Minimize Maintenance Costs
Unlocking IPL’s True Potential for Lasting Relief
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, initially developed to address dermatological concerns, has blossomed as a star player treatment for dry eyes (for good reason). The procedure involves the use of targeted light energy to alleviate inflammation around the eyes and thus support meibomian glands in the eyelids. With its minimally invasive profile and a likelihood of enduring results, IPL therapy presents an excellent clinically-validated option for those eager to find freedom from the constant discomfort of dry eyes. A downside? The cost.
We're here to let you in on a little secret that not many are talking about: there is a comprehensive approach that can potentially extend the relief offered by IPL therapy.
Addressing the Surface?
IPL therapy's primary focus lies in combating inflammation and boosting cellular function, a key player in the mechanism of dry eyes. However, to truly pave the way for long-term relief, it's imperative to dig beyond the surface and uncover the root causes that actually push this inflammation.
Imagine a garden for a moment. IPL therapy acts like a powerful weed whacker. It does an excellent job of cutting down the visible weeds (inflammatory symptoms) in your garden, making it look tidy and well-kept. This is what you typically experience as immediate relief after your round of IPL treatments.
However, beneath the surface, the roots of the weeds are likely still intact. These roots represent underlying factors like gut dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, toxicity, production of reactive oxygen species, imbalances in cellular signaling molecules like nitric oxide, or chronic pathogens that drive inflammation and dry eyes. As all of us know, weeds sprout back up if their roots aren't removed. In a similar way, these underlying factors can cause the symptoms to “grow back” as the beneficial effects of IPL fade over time.
Both Dr. Ioussifova and Dr. Futch from Eye Thrive Wellness use IPL in our practices and heartily believe in the technology, but we can’t ignore the facts: The financial (and mental) burden of keeping up with maintenance treatments is significant for many patients, so the more we can do to reduce this burden, the better.
To achieve long-lasting relief and shrink the dependence that IPL maintenance treatments have on your condition, you need to dig deeper and address the roots of the problem, and make that initial investment of pulling those roots out.
This is where our 10 Week Rescue Method for Dry Eyes comes in – it's a strategic method (based on the principles of functional medicine) to identify and address these root causes, giving you the potential to maintain the results of IPL therapy for a longer period.
For example, patients referred to us have from all over the world have uncovered underlying issues that were previously a complete mystery to them, like an overgrowth of bacteria in their gut, a food sensitivity, a functional vitamin D deficiency, Omega 3 fat malabsorption, or a lack of glutathione (the workhorse antioxidant in the body that squashes magnitudes more reactive oxygen species than your typical vitamin-based antioxidants). After gathering the clues, we have a valuable glimpse into their individual body and what is driving inflammation at the cellular level. Targeted nutrients and supplements are then employed in a tailored protocol that combats the issue.
In the world of dry eye management, IPL therapy shines as a beacon of hope, offering relief that can be the first step toward a more comfortable life. However, the journey often doesn't end with the last session. By embracing a comprehensive approach that considers the unique factors driving your dry eye condition and incorporating the insights exclusive to our 10 Week Rescue Method, doctors and patients now can unlock a key factor to prolonged relief that has wide-reaching consequences for your overall health and well-being.