Recognizing this crucial sign of systemic inflammation could be a turning point in dry eye treatment
Tried everything your dry eye treatment has hit a plateau or a wall? Don’t overlook this key sign of deeper issues pushing inflammation: Wide swings in symptoms that occur either later in the evening or upon waking up (that aren’t explained by nocturnal exposure, so meaning you’re already using ointments, masks, other nighttime shields).
This could mean imbalances in the melatonin/cortisol rhythm. Knowing that something deeper is going on could be instrumental in understanding how to heal.
Cortisol (the wake up hormone) and melatonin (the sleep hormone) both have powerful effects on the immune system. Cortisol rise in the morning profoundly anti-inflammatory, but chronic stress can desensitize the receptors and blunt its effect. Melatonin boost in the evening is essential for the prevention of oxidative stress and leaky barriers that promote autoimmunity. Not to mention the proper amounts and times allow for a good night’s sleep.
Toxins, poor gut health, chronic infections, blood sugar issues, and impaired energy production by cells could cause this hormonal “dance” to get really wobbly and uncoordinated. A whole body approach with foods and nutrients can go a long way towards a path of healing, which is what our 10 Week Dry Eye Nutrition Plan was precisely designed for.